External Certifications


Advancement is useless until it is employed and the world benefits out of it. As a part of letting our students have a hand on it, we offer a Raspberry pi lab session which is an introductory course to the raspberry pi platform. Raspberry Pi is a small affordable single-board computer that our kids use to learn programming and computer hardware through design. Approaching technology creatively by constructing new kinds of devices by varying the connections of inputs and outputs and adding logic. This program has successfully achieved its objective of enabling our young masterminds in setting up a raspberry pi platform and using scratch-based and python-based IDE for the raspberry pi. With all the real-world training, they are set to dive into the digital world with confidence.

Cambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective and rewarding. They motivate students of all ages and abilities to learn English and develop practical skills for the real world. It helps language teachers to place students at their appropriate levels, to diagnose the students’ strengths and weaknesses, and to evaluate their performance during and at the end of the course.

Cambridge English: A2 Key, formerly known as Cambridge English: Key (KET) and B1 Preliminary, formerly known as Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET), is one of the Cambridge English Qualifications for 11 – 14 year olds that shows a pupil can deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic and intermediate levels respectively.

Trinity College London’s Speech and Drama exams are designed for candidates who want to focus on a variety of spoken and performance forms. Candidates perform and show knowledge and understanding of a mixture of texts including plays, poetry and prose in a range of styles and from different periods. They do not prescribe the content of the exams, which allows teachers and candidates to choose literary and dramatic forms in which they have a particular interest or that complement their studies. These exams present candidates with practical, creative tasks that prepare them for situations in both education and the workplace, enabling them to develop invaluable 21st century skills in communication and creativity, and to build confidence.

Who The Qualifications Are For?

Although there is a natural progression through Trinity’s Speech and Drama grades from Initial to Grade 8 and then on to the diplomas, candidates may enter at any level. There is no requirement to have passed lower grades before entering for an exam. There is no upper age limit, but the following age ranges are provided as guidance and show the minimum age advised for each stage.

Trinity Exam Level Age of Candidate
Initial 5 years and over
Grade 1 7 years and over
Grades 2-3
Foundation Performance Certificate
8 years and over
Grades 4-5
Intermediate Performance Certificate
12 years and over
Grades 6-8
Advanced Performance Certificate
16 years and over

The PSAT 8/9 is a test that Grade 8 and 9 students take during the regular school day. It’s the first test in the U.S. College Board SAT Suite of Assessments, which also includes the PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT, and the SAT. All the tests in the suite measure the knowledge and skills of students learning in school – the same knowledge and skills they’ll need to succeed in college.

Math and computing contests are about far more than competition. The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC), University of Waterloo is Canada’s largest and most recognised outreach organisation for promoting and creating activities in Mathematics and Computer Science. This contest challenges students from around the world with a range of abilities to grow valuable problem solving skills. CPS Global School administers Gauss, one of the CEMC tests for Grade 7 & 8 students.

The premise of the olympiad is to inspire students to think differently and critically. It challenges them to come out of their comfort zone and build one’s desire to widen their knowledge. This exercise improves their problem-solving ability, logical reasoning, analytical and higher order thinking skills. National and International olympiads are conducted at CPS Global to bring out the hidden talents/ strengths; review the progress at frequent intervals and nurture healthy competition among students. To mention a few, we administer NSO, NCO, IMO, IEO, IGKO and French Olympiad.


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