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CPS Global School provides a wholesome learning environment for students to achieve their intellectual, physical and artistic potential. We truly believe that skill development is absolutely vital to prepare students for life. In order to build transferable skills among students, we identify their signature strengths, encourage them to take control of their learning and forge a path that suits their specific needs and skillset. The school offers a plethora of opportunities in both co-curricular and extra curricular activities while learning the fundamentals and mastering it as they progress in every stage.
The House system is an integral and vibrant part of our school’s culture where the entire student community belongs to one the houses namely Alphard, Canopus, Diadem and Plasma. The four houses literally pack the power of CPS constellation.
Alphard: The brightest Star in the constellation of Hydra and Blue colour represents Inspiration, Sincerity & Spirituality
Canopus: The second brightest star in the constellation of Carina and Yellow colour represents Self Respect, Well Being & Balance
Diadem: The main-sequence star in the constellation of Coma Berenices and Green colour represents Adventure, Risk Taking, Prosperity and Independence
Plasma: The essence of the stars and Red colour represents Passion, Joy & Courage
The House system aims to give students an identity and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment.
It strengthens the feeling of belongingness, boosts competitive spirit, builds student-teacher rapport and encourages them to win for their houses by giving their best shot in both inter and intra school events.
Outdoor learning is one of the best experiences we provide the early learners to get a feel of real-time situations. Communities are rich learning laboratories that solidify learning and supplement important academic concepts. At CPS Global, we passionately believe that concepts presented through different media and modalities (in real time and real life) provide multiple learning opportunities both for the traditional and the progressive learner making them feel smart and confident. Whether it’s a trip to the local grocery store, waterfront park, a library, a museum, a theatre, a community garden or a restaurant, each expedition that the little ones participate contributes to their understanding of the world around them.
It is a known fact that Celebrations spark joy and happiness. But did we realise that joy facilitates learning? Oh Yes! CPS Global has family days, cultural events and festivities woven into their calendar. These build strong belief among young knowledge seekers and it is in fact a brilliant way to teach children what we value in. Not only that, these special observances have religious, cultural and historical significance with a personal meaning attached to it. Be it a Graduation Day to cherish successful completion of academic journey, an ‘Alohomora’ to culminate conceptual learning and many meaningful observances of both national and international importance to understand the hidden smart goals graft positive memories forever. Not to forget the wonderful connections students and teachers make behind the scenes.
Our children are encouraged to express themselves through participation in various events organised at school. Show &Tell has become one of the best practices at CPS Global at Early stages because of the immense advantages it offers the tiny learners. It offers a wonderful medium to showcase their growing confidence and abilities as they master the art of speaking and get comfortable talking in front of their peers. The fact students are encouraged to use descriptive words and use complete sentences goes a long way in making them effective speakers. Presenting information to others is motivating for students and can take learning deeper as these students feel valued. A chance for children to think ‘out of the box’ a little and invite their teacher and classmates to come into their own little World for a minute or two!
Early learners are known for acting on impulse, and socio-dramatic plays (SDP) are a great stepping stone for learning to self-regulate their emotions and actions. Our SDPs are drafted to strike base with reality and have a direct first-hand experience in a much safer world! It is that time when our young ones break through the walls of reality, pretend to be someone – A pilot, a doctor, an astronaut – different from themselves. The immersion is complete and truly wonderful! The ‘help is just a dial away’, ‘a trip to a space station’, z’obbie doo and playing travel agents’ had the kiddies bursting with energetic performances on the show day to the absolute delight of the parents and teachers.
CPS Global opens its doors to numerous opportunities in learning through various styles and modes. Especially during early years, the little ones are given small doses of a wide range of knowledge topics through guest lessons. We bring special guests who lend credence to one’s opinions into their classroom not just for expertise, but to show the kids that these professions exist in real life and many kinds of people comprise a community. This unique opportunity allows them to get a taste of life outside their little ‘bubbles’ of home, family and school, day-in and day-out. Plus, a new adult paying attention to them always warms their hearts! CPS Global has seen kids interacting and engaging with Doctors, Army Officers, Yoga Trainers, Story Tellers, Traffic Police and the awe that is seen in their shining eyes says it all!
Trinity College London Young Performers Certificates are designed to develop confidence, group interaction skills and a sense of achievement in children up to the age of seven. They encourage young children to develop performance, musical and communication skills as they create and explore stories, songs, roles and situations through the imaginative and integrated use of movement, music, voice and artwork.
january, 2025