This quote by Mahatma Gandhi concisely summarises the educational excursion to Farm
Guru. The students of IBDP Year-1 visited Farm Guru on 29th April, as a part of their CAS
and IAYP journey, to learn about organic farming and how crucial it is to our society. During
the immensely enthusiastic and interactive introduction session, the founder, Mr. Sai taught
the students about how farmers play an irreplaceable role in our well-being and advanced
agricultural techniques such as Systematic Rice Intensification, by coming down to the
students’ level and using analogies which the students would relate to. They learnt about the
ethicality of farming and how the farmers strive every single day to provide food not only to
themselves, but also to the rest of the world.
However, one does not learn by simply listening, which is why the students dipped their
hands in the mud, walked on scorching sand, planted seedlings and dehusked rice, all by
themselves, followed by rejuvenating themselves in the cool waters of the elaborate pump
set. In between such activities, Mr. Sai offered more insights into the intricacies of organic
farming and its beneficial effects on nature. The day concluded with a healthy, organic lunch
and the students walking in the midst of the scenic, green vegetation.
Not only did the students have a lot of fun, but also gained heaps of knowledge about a
subject which is often looked upon by many people, making this trip a great ending to the
academic year for them.