
From Newsprint to Sustainability: Crafting Eco-Friendly Medals of Change

Written by cpsglobalblog

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks

– John Muir
Newspapers aren’t only valuable tools for enhancing our knowledge; they also offer us a way
to honor the concept of sustainability. At CPS Global School, Thirumazhisai, these medals
took the form of newspaper bags. Encountering heaps of newspapers has become a common
sight in every household, the production of which would have required a multitude of tree
parts. Crafting newspaper bags from old newspapers is an excellent way to not only
appreciate sustainability but also to make a concerted effort to offer trees a longer lease on
life. The reusable bags promote recycling while aiding in the minimization of the
proliferation of plastic waste. The protracted decomposition of plastic waste severely impacts
the environment, making the adoption of sustainable alternatives crucial. The opportune time
to instil wholesome habits in an individual’s life is during their formative years. CPS Global
School, TMZ, takes pride in laying the steps to nurture the urgent need to act as sole
custodians of Mother Earth, the only dwelling place we have. The learners of ELP 3
embarked on not just crafting paper bags from newspapers but also embellishing their artistic
streaks, highlighted and bold, by adorning them with vibrant leaf prints. Their artistic
endeavours were manifested through diverse colour choices for the leaf imprints, showcasing
their creativity. This engaging endeavour not only honed their fine motor skills but also
deepened their comprehension of the concept of reuse. The profound lesson of the
3R’s—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle—was instilled in these young minds through this hands-on
experience. In the lines of fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and
resourcefulness, guided by the wisdom of Lady Bird Johnson’s words –The environment is
where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share –
we are nurturing a generation that understands the significance of sustainable practices from
an early age.

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