
“Exploring Nature’s Wonders @ CPS GS, TMZ”

Written by cpsglobalblog

ELP 1 & 2 Take A Walk through Our School Garden.

Here come the young explorers of ELP1, 2-CPS Global TMZ. We welcome you all to Nature’s Playground! Join us on a journey as we embark on a nature walk around our school garden, discovering the hidden treasures of our own backyard. With curiosity as our compass and excitement in our hearts, we step outside into the fresh air, eager to explore. Today, we explored the vegetable garden and saw how vegetables are grown. We experienced the texture of vegetables like ladies’ finger, banana plant, tomato plant, and ridge gourd. We learned about the importance of vegetables, their uses, and their benefits. Whether we’re observing wildlife, identifying plants, or simply soaking in the beauty of nature, every moment will be a chance to discover something new about the world around us.

Our nature walk around the school garden has been a journey of discovery, learning, and connection. As we return to the familiar halls of our school, we carry with us a newfound appreciation for the natural world and a sense of responsibility to care for it. Let’s continue to explore, learn, and cherish the wonders of nature, right in our own backyard.”

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