
A walk through the garden @ ELP, CPSGS, TMZ

Written by cpsglobalblog

“Life begins, the day you start a garden.
There are no Gardening mistakes, only experiments.”

Janet Kilburn Phillips
Our ELP 1 daffodils of CPSGS, TMZ were taken to our school garden. It is a
hidden truth that Mother Nature constantly surprises us with her splendour. Our
ELP kids are often taken to the school garden because of its lush foliage and
tranquility. Spending time outside is one of the best ways for our kids to be
active, where they can freely explore their environment and learn more about
the world around them. A popular way to encourage the child's sense of outdoor
wonder is to help them grow and care for their own garden!
Why is gardening with kids so special? And what is the magic of children in the
school’s backyard? Our answer would be, children can explore anything in the
gardens, from beautiful flowers and plants to colorful birds and butterflies.
In our school garden, our kids saw different flowers, fruits, vegetables and
wondered how much they have grown. Teachers explained to them how all this
goes from the farm to our table. Children have also been reminded about
healthy eating habits.
A walk through the school garden was an experiential learning opportunity,
centred on student engagement and critical thinking. In our school garden
students were able to physically connect with the nutrition education,
understand the process of growing healthy foods. It was truly a pleasant
learning experience for all our little cherubim of ELP1.


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