Anna Nagar

Hidden agenda @ CPSGS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Hands-on learning is imperative to literacy skill. It is this kind of learning where kids actively participate, experience and grasp the topic being taught and they will neither get bored nor forget.

Who will not like being a detective and finding hidden objects? EY2 segment had such game today! Teachers invited children to play the game by arranging a  cups kept upside down, each labelled with a 3-letter word card and a special object. The goal of the game was to identify the cup under which a special object was hidden. The children could guess and check each cup for the hidden object only after they read the 3-letter word on it. The room was filled with thrilling cries and fun as the children took turns to read and encouraged their friends to read and all of them became little detectives, read the words and found the hidden object. Goal achieved!


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