Anna Nagar

Drink Me @ CPSGS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Plain water is one of the best drink choices for kids.  Actually, to all of us! It’s super healthy with zero calories & no added sugar.

In the class room we encourage our tiny tots to drink water regularly by giving water breaks. Some children do not like to drink water. Water doesn’t have to be boring! There are plenty of ways to entice children to drink healthy and stay hydrated throughout the day. To give a twist we decided to make healthy cordials. One is making of Panakam, a traditional South Indian drink packed with electrolytes that beat dehydration.  Tiny tots made Panakam with jaggery, dry ginger, cardamom powder and lemon. They also made lemonade  with brown sugar and mint leaves. They were super excited to be the cool chefs and prepare these drinks. We also vowed to eat vegetables and fruits that are high in water content like cucumber, oranges, watermelon and strawberries. Our young learners also perused the thought that all living things need water to survive. Our learner community decided to keep a bowl of water for birds in a place where they can access easily.

Parents can delight and  probably add a touch of motivation through   special bottles, cups or swirly straws.

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