Anna Nagar

Breaking dawn- at the science lab – ELP 3

Written by cpsglobalblog

Nearly everyone knows that one of the primary purposes of kindergarten is to prepare children for reading, writing, and math. Fewer people, however, realize that kindergarten also prepares children for understanding scientific principles. Scientific principles sound convoluted doesn’t it?

It just sounds so, but needn’t be at all. It’s the mirage that science bequeaths .An outward semblance that things are complex and need lots of explanations and clarifications for one to follow .Rather, all we have to do is look closely and see that things that meet the naked eye is all that is existing . To harness their propensity for curiosity, young children should learn science through first-hand investigative experiences and active involvement.

Fueled by a pastorally aware culture with high levels of individual student attention, we at CPS Global aim to know to understand and nurture children to help them realize their potential, passion and purpose in life.

Children of ELP 3 burned with curiosity as they saw a strip of magnesium change texture and form to become a malleable product at the chemistry lab. Bottled specimens piqued their curiosity wondering if they would jump out alive at the bio lab.

What just happened today with the 5 year olds at school was a 21 st century instruction at its best. An era where every child is pinched with the hunger to know their why’s and how’s.


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