Anna Nagar

The Story of a Story – ELP 2B

Written by cpsglobalblog

While we narrate a story to children, the different characters they get to know become like friends.

The craft of telling stories is a tradition as old as the human race. Storytellers have, for as long as we can imagine, learned stories from their elders and shared the tricks of the trade among their contemporaries.

Our grandparents are the uncertified story tellers who took us to different realms.  You could choose from any genre, moral, thriller, horror, drama or comedy; they had it all up their sleeve.

Once upon a time … the very line when translated in different languages takes us dreamily to that era where we see through our imagination fabled kings fighting huge mammoths and notorious villains looting bounties. And it doesn’t stop at that! The effect lingers irrespective of sound and visual effects.

ELP 2B had such an enthralling story telling session.

”Smile please “is a story of a young fawn that learns to handle her emotions.  One day passes off happily and the other not so much for her. Numerous experiences and opportunities the fawn undergoes to make choices for her day to be a happy one.  The children listened raptly as the new vocabulary grew on them. Boulder, leapt, fawn each word made their way into their stream.

A story well spun!


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