Anna Nagar

Exploring Planks Law of Radiation @ CPS Global School, Anna Nagar

Written by cpsglobalblog

The black body radiation experiment refers to the study of how objects emit radiation based on their temperature. The classic experiment related to the topic which is black body radiation experiment conducted by Max Planck in the late 19th century, leading to the development of Planck’s law and the birth of quantum mechanics.The students of CIE 8 C conducted an experiment in the lab to explore how the colour of the surface determines the extent of radiation.

A black soda can will absorb and emit more heat than a standard-colored (typically silver or white) soda can due to differences in their color and heat absorption properties. This simple experiment helped illustrate the principles of heat absorption and emission based on color Some interesting findings and inferences included – Black surfaces absorb more heat than lighter-colored surfaces because they absorb a broader spectrum of light. Students linked this understanding to higher absorption of visible and infrared light, which translated into increased heat.



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