Anna Nagar

Exousia 2022 – Overall Champions @ CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog
On Monday, the 17th of October, the students of CPS Global School took part in an Interschool competition, “Exousia”, hosted by the Madras Christian College.  It was an extremely joyous occasion for the institution that is CPS Global School on that particular day as our students managed to fetch accolades in three out of the four events, which ultimately led to us winning the overall trophy.  Participating in a competition which was attended by almost thirty schools gave us the exposure and confidence we needed but also made us realize the competition that exists outside the four walls of our classrooms, and that was our biggest takeaway.
We are proud to share, that we bagged the Overall Championship of the year 2022 at the prestigious MCC interschool competition where approximtely 40 + different school teams participated, we struck the first place in the “Master mind quiz ” with Rohan (A Level), Arsh (AS Level) and Ananya (AS Level), first place in “Best Manager” with Burhannudin (AS Level), he also received a sports cycle for his best performance by the event sponsors Hero cycles  and we also got third place in “Elevator pitch”  with  Keya (A level). Congratulations to the winners. 

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