Anna Nagar

A visit to Hope Special school by CPSGS ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Today, we went to Hope Special school for the intellectually challenged children to share our gifts and take back new lessons from the school. The students at the school had the warmest smiles and the most curious eyes, each of them with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Although the students are labelled with terms like “mentally retarded” and “intellectually disabled”, they continue to preserve through any and all obstacles. Being in a surrounding where children are expected to act a certain way and accomplish certain things, we sometimes forget there are those who still can’t say their own name. Spending an hour amongst kids who have contagious smiles and pure personalities made us truly value the art of taking anything, anyone less seriously. I am absolutely grateful to have been introduced to the wonderful world of the Hope Special School. To be able to give back to society simply by providing a meal from your pocket or go as a group to visit students of our age was humbling. The details of the trip are nothing in comparison to its impact on us as students. The students of IGCSE year 2, were honored to be given the opportunity to meet children and adults who understand the world in ways we could never begin to understand. Hot meals and story books aside, we were able to achieve our only mission, “To make them smile”. Between singing songs with them, and sitting with them, our goal was checked off our to-do list with as much as we could do. I am thankful that the place we started was at Hope school, with our teachers for today. As students of IGCSE year 2, we will continue giving back into society as best as we can, who guided us through and through, with the charming young students we acquainted at Hope.

Our journey with continues with HOPE!

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