Anna Nagar

3D shapes @ CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Introducing the concept of 3-Dimensional shapes can be just as easy and is just as important for young learners. “2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes are fat.” We use this saying frequently in our circle times when we look at 3D shapes, such as building blocks, legos, and various shapes around us.

Childrens made 3D shapes using clay and toothpicks. They effortlessly learnt vertices, faces and edges of cube, cuboid, cone, sphere and cylinder.

Our EY 3 learners showed much interest in the visual part rather than listening to something as a lecture. So, our little ones learnt the dimensions of 3d structures by performing some simple and fun activities that involve both kin-aesthetic and visual elements which play a major role to make learning last a lifetime.

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