Anna Nagar

The Invisible Gas @ CPSGS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

The science of air – explaining that air exists is an abstract idea. We can’t see air, but we know it exists and takes up space. Teaching this concept of Air Science to kindergarteners may look challenging but our EY3 kids learnt it with minimal effort with hands-on experiments.

The class kickstarted with simple questions like, Can you see air? Can you hold it? What’s inside this cup? Is it really empty? This triggered our children’s reasoning skills.

Then we decided to see for ourselves by experimenting with simple everyday objects. Yes with a bowl of water and glass; empty water bottles; potato and straw; trash bags; and balloons we learnt that spaces are filled with air, air is a real substance and it gives strength to an object.

This is how we keep our science playful too!


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