Anna Nagar

Successful Completion of 30-Day Challenge! @ CPS Global School, Anna Nagar

Written by cpsglobalblog

After much discussion and deliberation each child individually or as small groups and in some the whole class took up a particular challenge which they carried on for 30 days. While essentially it was to try something new, to set a good habit and to motivate each other we realized one unsaid outcome which was consistency. Every student made it a point to take up their challenge seriously and no matter what they ensured they practiced it every single day.

A peek into some interesting challenges into the 30 days of our challenge calendar.  We have from mindful meditation to helping a friend each day to sudoku a day challenge, reducing screen time and drinking sufficient water. Each set a target on areas where they felt a need to improve.  What marked the end was not the 30th day but some of the soulful reflections our students were asked to do and we have some wonderful responses for you to read.

When our young learners set on a trail they also shared some feedback about family members who joined them on this challenge! Thanks to all those lovely siblings and parents who joined us in this exploration!

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