“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning.”
It is somewhat surprising how a set of the simple game board, dice, a deck of cards and tokens can have big effects on the growth of a child. Playing a board game is a wonderful way for children to learn social behaviour. Almost unconsciously they pick up things like taking turns, following rules and being sportive.
Let’s Play Board game was such a fascinating day of fun and learning in the EY segment. The children were engaged and excited to play new games with their friends and share their favourite games with others. The children had so much fun playing. When they were bored with one game, they went to play a different game!
The fun did not stop there. Anything big size is more fun. So, the two most well-known board games – chess and the Snake and ladder were designed in humongous size where our tiny tots became the pieces and coins.
The tiny tots of EY1 and EY 2 took a turn rolling out the dice and counted their space on the board. They were thrilled Jumping up a ladder or sliding down the snake’s tail.
Our EY 3 children dressed up as the chess pieces with EY3A forming the white kingdom and EY3B the black kingdom with crowns and spears. The Kings, Queens, Knights, Rooks, Bishops and Soldiers took their positions on the chess board ready to play the game. The moves were made knowing the rules of the game. The game came to an end with a check to the White King. There are no words to explain the exhilaration in the air.