Anna Nagar

Fun with French Fries @ CPSGS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Repetition serves as the cornerstone for learning, developing skills, and success in young children. Imagine a child learning to walk for the first time. They start off crawling, then practice standing and toddling until they can walk without assistance. Before a youngster may develop speed, more self-assurance, and mastery, they must first learn foundational abilities. Possibility develops into ability through repetition. It is time to review all the letter sounds and digraphs the students have learned as we head toward the end of Term 2. A pleasant exercise called “Create my French fries” was planned for EY3. French fry pockets were used to decorate the classroom wall, and labels with digraphs that children had learned were written on them. The children were instructed to write down any words of their choosing that contained any of the digraphs they had learned on empty yellow strips that represented French fries. Next, they placed their French fries in the corresponding label-compliant pockets. When they were making their own French fries, the room was brimming with learning and enjoyment!



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