
ELP Orientation @ CPSGS, TMZ

To embrace the new beginning and to establish an everlasting bond we conducted an orientation session for our ELP parents. The orientation session for the Early Learning Program was held on 14th June 2023 and 17th June 2023. 

The purpose of this session is to enlighten the parents with our ELP curriculum. The session was led by our Head of School, Ms. Jayu Ganesh, who emphasised the significance of early learning in a child’s development. She emphasised the significant contribution early childhood education makes to a child’s overall development. The corresponding class advisors and other co-curricular facilitators introduced themselves and emphasised the unique teaching and learning approaches that we follow in our follow. Our facilitators also accentuated that the goal of early childhood education is to support a child’s physical, mental, social, and emotional growth. Our school policies and special features of ELP were also shared with the parents. 

Our Head of School reassured parents that their children would receive a wonderful educational experience at our school. The session was concluded with a Q&A session, allowing parents to seek clarifications and gather additional information. We are truly elated to welcome our little ones to our ELP at CPS Global School, TMZ.


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