Anna Nagar

Show and Tell @ CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Show and tell (or show and share) is usually the first opportunity young children have to stand up in front of a small group and speak. It is a wonderful introduction to public speaking as children are often given the option of speaking about a topic they know well and are interested in. Speaking about something you love always makes you love it even more! It helps them to organize information and builds their confidence.

As for EY 3, with spending the month learning about plants, types, and where food comes from, the topic chosen was Farm to Table. Children came to know about the importance of agriculture in today’s world and in the future because they will be the ones taking over. Our young learners spoke about

EY2 went a step ahead in teaching the children not only about healthy eating but the significance of healthy habits. Healthy habits help children grow up happy and healthy. Children displayed their daily habits like dental care, bathing every day, keeping their nails clean, washing hands, eating healthy foods, and having a good sleep through pictures and props.

Our EY 1 tiny tots kept it simple by talking about something they love, something that is near to their heart – their Favorite toy. They were so proud to show their toys to their friends and tell why it is their favorite ones.

Our children were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn.


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