Anna Nagar

Let’s Sort @ CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Sorting activities often appeal to children and naturally sort according to qualities and characteristics they visually notice without being taught. Sorting activities at an early age help young learners to observe how things are alike and different which is essential for early literacy and math skills.

 It is essential to engage young children in activities loaded with concrete and real-life materials. So, for today’s activity, we have chosen pulses. Children were given a bowl of mixed pulses like Rajma, Chickpeas, and kidney beans all different in shape and colour. They had to sort these into three different bowls. The kids sorted the pulses with enthusiasm by their shape. The sorting was faster this way. This activity helped the children to enhance their fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and pincer grip and also lead to recognition of pulses. It also helped in boosting the child’s concentration.

Through hands-on activities, children are encouraged to learn through exploration. Next time make sure to involve your little champs in any sorting activity at home.

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