Anna Nagar

Student council Election ’22 @ CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog
Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, and one another
Equality, autonomy, and democracy are in the air of CPS Global School with the Student Council Elections 2022-23.
An election is one of the most important pillars of democracy, hence, to assimilate and embrace the culture of democracy and republicanism, the ethical and civic-minded burgeons of CPSGS contested for various crucial posts, showcasing their worth and excellence among the student fraternity with their incredibly outstanding oration persuading the voters with flair and adroitness.
For an entire week, the nominated body did diligent rigorous campaigning with high spirits. As we are aware that the ballot is stronger than the bullet, the students played a pivotal role in choosing their best leaders who would strive hard to lead the team and voice out the concerns of the student community.
The students exercised their right by casting their vote for the most deserving candidates abiding by all the rules and regulations of a fair election process.
 Without a doubt, our CPS students have perceived that voting is a civic duty and it is the first duty of democracy.

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