Anna Nagar

AY 2022-2023 – First Day of School – Lower Secondary – CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

The day could not have been brighter, with corridors echoing with laughter and the CCTV cameras swiveling to catch a glimpse of the excited students! Yes, the day has finally dawned and our Middle Schoolers are back in School. With all the Pandemic protocols still in place, students and teachers had a short time to quickly greet each other before they gathered to start the year with a Special Assembly. The teachers planned the assembly with much enthusiasm and showcased how much they missed them, from the warmth in the welcome song to the peppy teacher introductions! Students and teachers spent the entire day getting to know each other, Icebreakers to get comfortable, campus tour, interactions with subject teachers and finally the expectations from students. The day could not have been better.


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