Anna Nagar

Push or Pull @ CPS GS, ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Teaching kindergarteners about Newton’s laws might seem a little excessive but exposing our young ones to the basic principles of science, help them foster a love for physics.

The topic for this month PUSH or PULL was a perfect match for this idea.

Our EY students are used to moving objects. They throw balls, play with toy cars, and swing, but how much do they think about these actions? In this fun, hands-on science lesson, our kids will explore how pushing and pulling affect an object’s motion. Through enquiry the children got the opportunity to observe, classify and compare the forces involved in familiar activities such as pushing a swing, propelling a skateboard forward, or pulling a wagon as a push or pull.

The lesson started with some hands-on activities and fun games. One of the most basic yet effective push-and-pull activities is a classic game of tug of war where kids can use their whole bodies to feel the effects. Laughter and shrieks filled the air and learning happened too. They tried pushing buttons, pushing a scooter, pulling a glue cap open, and pulling and pushing the chair.

The learning came to a delightful end with making a catapult to demonstrate their understanding of the concept they learned. It was a treat for our young scientists to take home and continue their exploration there.

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