Anna Nagar

Stop Look And Cross – ELP 2

Written by cpsglobalblog

Early age is a learning stage

Field trips provide students with new opportunities for learning through experience instead of passive participation. When students leave the classroom, they see the connections between what is happening at school and in the ‘real-world’.

No rains could stop children of ELP 2 from taking their field trip.  It was a long drive but the weather being on our side made the ride to the venue a joyful one. Safety on road is important for all.  Even though children are always accompanied by an adult, knowing few safety rules applicable on road would only do more good. And when the rules are got straight at an early age the effect lingers longer.  Why Pedestrians should use the sidewalks, why we must cross at the zebra crossing or why we should stop look both ways?

We are sure they know the answers but a practical experience would always get the message loud and clear.

That’s what happened when the children traveled to the children’s safety park. They combined what they knew to what more they could know and how to go around with it!



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