Anna Nagar

Show and tell – ELP @ CPSGS ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

“A chance for children to think ‘out of the box’ a little and invite their teacher and classmates to come into their own little World for a minute or two”

Show and Tell is a chance for our young children to have their “prized possessions” as the talking point and being center of attention for a couple of minutes. The whole concept is to boost their self esteem.

While being stage confident may come naturally for some children, being in the spotlight can be nerve-wracking for others. So to provide more opportunities to equipoise this situation, Show and tell is organised every month in the context of the curriculum themes being studied or an ad hoc topic.

Such a platform gives the speaker and the rest of the class something to talk about as a conversation starter, whilst our tots realising they have something in common and strike a chord with their peers.

The topic given for this show and tell was one that our young minds were free to imagine and talk about. We were enraptured by the melange of topics the children spoke with great poise and confidence.

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