
It was a day of chocolate bash @ CPSGS, TMZ

Written by cpsglobalblog

“Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tortuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive.”
― Joanne Harris

It was a day of chocolate bash @ CPSGS, TMZ. The ELP kiddos were elated when they entered into their‘yummy’classroom decorated with chocolates in many shapes and flavours. Our HOS and the academic co-ordinator were invited to the lip smacking extravaganza. Our zealous junior chocolatiers were all geared up to make Chocolate Nest. They followed the teachers’instructions and worked with their tiny hands like a pro to make the scrumptious choco-nest.A dash of chocolate sauce here, a sprinkle of choco chips there, and a topping of gems and wafers added the zing factor to the delicacy.Chocolates are nothing but pieces of heaven in your mouth and that’s exactly how our Tiny Tots felt when they indulged in their chocolatey preparation.




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