Anna Nagar

Dashing Digraphs – ELP 3A @ CPSGS ANN

Written by cpsglobalblog

Charlie is a charming boy who loved to collect shells.
He sat on his Chair eating chips and chewing gum. He could speak French and Chinese very well. Every Thursday he would go to chat with his friends at the Fish and Chips shop. One day while at the beach when he went swimming, he saw a white shark and a whale. They started to chase him. He was shocked! He wanted to shout but all he could do was whimper!
These are digraphs, two letters making one sound. Children at ELP 3A sorted their digraph pictures into the respective categories. It was a self learning process by implementing the fundamentals they have learnt.
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.
The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed
Shilly-shallied south.
These sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack;
Sheep should sleep in a shed.
Now here is a little digraph tongue twister to keep you all busy for a while!

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